Non-Rail Events & Tours

This year we are going to have an exciting programme of Non-Rail events and tours, for Convention attendee partners and those who want a break from the train!

The Cookham area is full of exciting attractions for those who want something extra to do while the Convention is happening.

Our Non-Rail Coordinator will be updating this page with news about events and tours as the weeks go on, so please check back often!

  • Stanley Spencer Gallery Talk & Walk Tour (payment & booking required):

    One of the most famous Cookham residents is the renowned artist, Stanley Spencer. Stanley became well known for his paintings depicting Biblical scenes occurring as if in Cookham, the small village beside the River Thames where he was born and spent much of his life. Spencer referred to Cookham as “a village in Heaven” and in his biblical scenes, fellow-villagers are shown as their Gospel counterparts.

    Each Talk and Walk is led by one of the Gallery’s experienced volunteers. A Talk in the Gallery normally takes one hour (and includes a guided tour around part of the current exhibition).  A Guided Walk around Stanley Spencer’s Cookham also normally takes one hour. The Walk and Talk costs £15.00/pp.

    More information and a booking form can be found here:

  • Stanley Spencer Gallery Visit (entry fee, no booking required):

    The Stanley Spencer Gallery currently has an exhibition called The Cookham Brotherhood, The Art of Gilbert & Stanley Spencer. The gallery is only a few minutes walk from the Convention venue. Entry costs £7.00/pp

    More information on this exhibition and the Gallery can be found here:

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